Change 'People' icon to something more neutral
asked 2014-01-27 22:42:47 +0200

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Note: the second part of this "multi-request" was extracted to a a new request, for improved distinctness.
Is is possible to change a heart-like 'People' icon to something more neutral? It confuses me whenever I have to call my boss;).
I agree. I find this heart-throwing both here and there silly, like a 14-year-old girl wearing pink dress and dotting her i with a heart. I never even do that with my own dearest, let alone the majority people in my contact list who are either just colleagues or acquaintances. That's just weird to think of them that way.
spacenewt ( 2014-03-13 04:07:29 +0200 )editI disagree over here....I think the heart icon is quite nice and if you want - unlike. I'll absolutely prefer it over a very common poeple icon as it has been posted in the answer from @tokaru.
Maettu ( 2014-03-13 12:29:48 +0200 )editI like the heart icon as well. Easy to spot among the apps. But it's also nice to see people posting their alternative icons instead of complaining. That is a very unlike way of doing things, imho, and quite fitting for a system as open-source as sailfish. I am even willing to change the heart icon on my phone if someone posts something better here.
vattuvarg ( 2014-03-13 22:26:12 +0200 )edit@vattuvarg Yes, it is nice that we have the possibility to change stuff like this :) Just sad that these changes will get lost with probably every update of the OS. I am thinking about putting
tokaru ( 2014-03-14 15:02:15 +0200 )edit/usr/share/
under git control (with main repository in/home/nemo/
), so I could easily spot changes and (if necessary) merge my changes with changes that came with the update (especially keyboard layouts)@tokaru, yes please do so we have a backup available :)
spacenewt ( 2014-03-14 15:47:52 +0200 )edit